Eden Hall Campus

Eden Hall Campus is more than Chatham’s campus outside of the City of Pittsburgh. It’s a beacon of innovation and a warm, friendly place that Falk School graduates describe “coming home to.” A living laboratory and an active community. A few other things, too.
Photo of Chatham University students and professors tending to a gardening bed inside a greenhouse on the Eden Hall Campus

A Collaborative, Hands-on Learning 环境

Home to Chatham’s Falk School of 可持续性 & 环境, Eden Hall is where undergraduate and graduate students work side-by-side with professors on research and practice initiatives that utilize the campus (and beyond) as a hands-on lab to complement their classroom learning.

Learn About 研究 : Checkerboard 2 - A Collaborative, Hands-on Learning 环境
Photo of an Indian woman leading a cooking class for CRAFT

An Inspiration for the Region

Eden Hall serves as an inspiration for sustainable practices and ideals to the larger region through community-based workshops, K-12 partnerships, 艺术 & culture programming, green weddings and events, and acres of accessible woodlands and trails.

探索艺术 & 文化 : Checkerboard 4 - An Inspiration for the Region

A Gathering Place for 社区

Frankie Williams, a Masters of Food Studies student, is the fire master for the Eden Hall bread oven. The bread oven was a thesis project by MAFS alum Shauna Kearns, who wrote a successful grant for this project. "My favorite memories and times in my life," Frankie said, "have been centered around food for as long as I can remember. Food brings people together."  

Watch More Videos : Checkerboard 5 - A Gathering Place for 社区

Eden Hall Campus